The sheer volume of products can be staggering in retail. Imagine managing hundreds of thousands of SKUs, each demanding its unique digital imagery before it can even be considered for listing on online channels. This isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about trust, brand consistency, and ensuring customers clearly understand what they’re purchasing. The process becomes even more intricate when considering the coordination required among various teams: from buying and warehousing to photography and marketing. The challenge is clear: How can retailers efficiently manage, track, and approve such a vast array of digital assets without compromising on quality or speed?

  • Business Workflow Automation: Implementing tools like can drastically streamline the process. By automating tasks, assigning responsibilities, and setting up notifications, teams can ensure that no product is left behind. This not only reduces manual oversight but also speeds up the entire workflow.

  • Digital Asset Management (DAM): Using a DAM, whether it’s‘s built-in capabilities or another enterprise DAM, provides a centralized location to store, organize, and retrieve digital assets. This ensures that images are easily accessible, consistent in quality, and ready for deployment. Furthermore, a DAM can offer version control, ensuring that the most recent and approved images are used.

  • Integration of Systems: Platforms like Make or other enterprise integration tools can seamlessly connect different systems. This means that the moment a product is chosen for photography, every relevant department is notified, and the subsequent steps are automatically triggered. Integration reduces the chances of miscommunication and ensures a smooth flow of information.

  • AI-Powered Image Analysis: Leveraging AI tools can help in the initial screening of images, ensuring they meet certain quality standards before they even reach the review team. This can reduce the workload and ensure only the best images are considered. Not to mention the ability to dynamically generate additional iterations or versions of an existing asset.


In the digital age, the adage “A picture is worth a thousand words” has never been more relevant. For digital retailers, it’s not just about having a product to sell but presenting it in the best possible light. By harnessing the power of modern tools like, Make, and AI integrations, retailers can navigate the intricate maze of SKU imagery management, ensuring that their digital shelves are stocked, visually appealing, and consistent. In the end, it’s about delivering a seamless experience to the customer, and with the right tools, retailers are well-equipped to do just that.
