A company finds its product range gaining traction. However, a substantial portion of their sales is being channeled through or redirected to third-party marketplaces like Amazon, overshadowing the sales on their own brand’s website. While marketplaces offer a vast customer base, the enterprise yearns for a direct relationship with their customers to ensure a personalized shopping experience. The challenge lies in enticing customers to shop directly from their website, which currently lacks the allure of marketplace giants. The enterprise is keen on implementing strategies to shift the customer buying journey from marketplaces to their brand’s website, ensuring a seamless, rewarding experience that cultivates loyalty and brand affinity.

  • Implementing Same-Day Delivery: Offering same-day delivery can be a game-changer in the competitive e-commerce landscape. Customers often flock to marketplaces for their prompt delivery services. The enterprise can significantly enhance its value proposition by providing a competitive delivery timeframe. This would entail forging partnerships with reliable logistics providers and optimizing the supply chain to ensure timely deliveries. A broad range of companies offer this as a service, including DoorDash, Uber, Eva, and others, which provide plug-in-play style integrations.

  • Subsidized Shipping: One of the deterrents to shopping on individual brand websites can be the shipping cost. By offering subsidized or free shipping, the enterprise can neutralize this deterrent. An analysis to balance the costs and the potential increase in direct sales would be prudent to ensure this strategy is financially viable.

  • Loyalty Programs: Introducing a loyalty program that rewards customers for shopping directly can be a potent strategy. Reward points, exclusive discounts, and early access to new products or sales can incentivize customers to bypass marketplaces.

  • Enhanced Customer Service: Providing exemplary customer service, including easy returns and exchanges, can foster a direct relationship with customers. A dedicated customer service team and an intuitive, user-friendly website interface can significantly enhance the shopping experience.

  • Exclusive Website Offerings: Offering certain products or discounts exclusively on the brand’s website can drive traffic and sales. Limited edition products or online-only sales can create a sense of exclusivity and urgency.

  • Educational Content and Community Building: Creating a community around the brand by offering valuable content, forums, or user-generated content sections on the website can foster a sense of belonging among customers. Educational content about the products, how-to guides, and customer reviews can enrich the website’s value. Solutions such as Bakstage empower this exact experience for companies.

  • Marketing and Retargeting Campaigns: Targeted marketing campaigns that highlight the benefits of shopping directly from the brand’s website can help redirect traffic. Retargeting ads to customers who have previously bought from marketplaces, emphasizing the perks of direct shopping, can also be effective.

  • Seamless Checkout Experience: Ensuring a frictionless checkout process with various payment options can also entice customers to shop directly. A simplified, secure checkout can significantly enhance the user experience.


Shifting the customer’s buying journey from marketplaces to the brand’s website is a multifaceted challenge that requires a blend of competitive offerings, enhanced customer experience, and strategic marketing. By adopting a customer-centric approach and continuously analyzing the effectiveness of the implemented strategies, the enterprise can gradually steer traffic toward its website, fostering a direct, rewarding relationship with its customers.
