The convergence of social media and e-commerce has given rise to a new sales channel – social commerce. A global company, having mastered the art of omnichannel retailing across its brick & mortar and digital platforms, finds itself at a crossroads. Despite offering an unmatched customer experience across existing channels, the company has noticed a shift in revenue streams. The digital domain, particularly social media sales, is burgeoning, propelled by the advent of drop shippers and fast-fashion startups. The company now aims to weave social media into its sales tapestry, transitioning towards a fully social commerce-enabled business model. This transition is not just about capturing sales on social platforms; it’s about creating a seamless, engaging, and personalized shopping experience within the social media ecosystem.

  • Digital Integrated Social Plugin:

    • Bakstage (a product company) can serve as a catalyst in transforming digital channels into dynamic hubs of real-time engagement, community building, customer education, and data-driven insights. By blending video, AI, and personalized human interactions, Bakstage can significantly boost conversions and user lifetime value. This platform can be integrated to transform social media pages into interactive sales channels, where customers can engage with the brand, learn about products, and make purchases seamlessly.

  • Social Media Marketplace Set-Up:

    • Establishing storefronts on social media marketplaces like Facebook Shop and Instagram Shop can be a stepping stone towards social commerce. These platforms allow for the showcasing and selling of products directly within the social media interface, providing a seamless shopping experience.

  • Chatbots and AI-driven Customer Service:

    • Implementing AI-driven chatbots on social media platforms can automate customer service, guide users through the buying process, and provide personalized product recommendations. This technology can also gather valuable customer data for future targeted marketing campaigns.

  • Influencer Collaborations:

    • Collaborating with social media influencers can help in promoting the brand and products on various social platforms. Influencers can provide authentic endorsements and drive their followers to the company’s social commerce channels.

  • Social Media Advertising:

    • Leveraging targeted advertising on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest to drive traffic to the social commerce channels. Utilizing data analytics to refine advertising strategies and reach the right audience with personalized offers.

  • User-Generated Content (UGC):

    • Encouraging customers to share their experiences and reviews on social media, which can be showcased on social commerce channels. UGC can build trust and foster a community around the brand.

  • Live Streaming Sales Events:

    • Hosting live streaming sales events on social media platforms to showcase products, offer exclusive discounts, and interact with customers in real time. Live streaming adds a human touch to digital shopping, enhancing customer engagement and boosting sales. This can also be done in partnership with Bakstage.

  • Social Media Analytics:

    • Employing social media analytics tools to track and analyze the performance of social commerce activities can help optimize the strategy. Understanding customer behavior, preferences, and engagement levels can also be helpful.


The integration of social media as a sales channel is a strategic move towards capturing the burgeoning market of social commerce. By adopting a blend of these solutions, the company can extend its sales horizon and create a more engaging, personalized, and community-driven shopping experience for its customers. The journey towards social commerce is an investment in adapting to the evolving retail landscape, ensuring the company remains at the forefront of retail innovation in the digital age.
