Headless commerce is the separation of a website’s front end (the customer-facing digital storefront) from the back end (all the systems, processes, workflows, and tools that allow your business to operate). It presents a unique opportunity whether companies are looking to reduce technical debt, better handle a content-heavy site, consolidate code and integration, or simply manage aggressive growth plans for the digital space. 

These values can be unlocked by applying these concepts early on and adopting a roadmap & strategy that aligns with the principles supporting these technologies:

  • Implementing a headless CMS can allow businesses to manage their content in a single location and quickly deliver it to multiple platforms. This will ensure that businesses can quickly and easily deploy new content without managing multiple versions or engaging technology teams to implement it.

  • A content-first approach can help businesses optimize their content for each platform and customer experience. This will ensure customers have an optimized experience on each platform, and businesses can maximize their efficiency.

  • Separate responsibilities between front-end and back-end teams to ensure that their digital experiences are tailored to each platform and that the right resources are being used for the right activity.

  • Adopt a modularized or micro-service-based approach to the business enterprise. With the front end decoupled, backend services should be selected based on best-of-breed capabilities. Leverage SaaS as much as possible to reduce potential increases in technical debt.


With the adoption of headless commerce, retailers should shift their focus to personalization and tailored customer experiences. Headless provides the unique opportunity to iterate quickly on user experience, so experimentation should not only be expected but encouraged. Couple any experimentation with a collection of well-understood analytics and KPIs to interpret the outcomes of changes.
