A large enterprise has meticulously crafted a DevOps pipeline, seamlessly integrating code, build, package, and deploy flows from Development all the way to Production. This well-oiled machine propels their software delivery at a pace that keeps them ahead in the market race. However, they’ve identified a crucial area for enhancement – the incorporation of automated testing to bolster build quality and avert the dreaded broken release deployments. The goal is clear: to weave automated testing into the DevOps tapestry without unraveling the existing threads of efficiency and effectiveness.

Here are some pragmatic solutions to this scenario:

  • Test Automation Tool Selection: The cornerstone of this endeavor is the selection of a robust test automation tool. A few notable mentions include Selenium for its versatility, Katalon for seamless integration and robustness, TestComplete for ease of use, Eggplant for its short learning curve, and Tricentis Tosca for its script-less approach to test automation. The choice of tool should resonate with the technology stack, the skill set of the team, and the long-term vision of the enterprise’s DevOps and testing strategy.

  • Strategic Test Automation: Not all tests are created equal. It’s prudent to prioritize critical, high-impact tests for automation, such as smoke tests, regression tests, and performance tests. This strategic approach ensures that the most crucial pathways of the application are validated with each build without overwhelming the pipeline with an avalanche of automated tests. The focus should start with core capabilities, representative of the largest enterprise coverage, that will serve as the foundation for automated regression testing.

  • AI-Enhanced Test Maintenance: AI can play a pivotal role in reducing the maintenance burden of automated tests. Machine learning algorithms can be employed to identify and update tests affected by changes in the codebase, significantly reducing the time and effort required to keep tests up-to-date. Depending on the automated testing tool selected, these capabilities may be part of the package offering.

  • Mandatory Code Reviews: Before testing, it’s wise to implement code quality measures such as static code analysis and peer code reviews. These measures help identify and rectify issues at the source, reducing the number of defects that reach the testing phase.

  • Continuous Feedback Loop: Establish a continuous feedback loop between the development, testing, and operations teams. This collaborative approach ensures that insights gained from testing are fed back into the development process, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

  • Training and Skill Development: Equip the team with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively utilize the test automation tools and practices. This could be achieved through training sessions, workshops, or engaging with external experts.


The journey toward enhancing the DevOps pipeline with automated testing is a blend of strategic planning, tool selection, and continuous improvement. By adopting a pragmatic approach to test automation, coupled with the leverage of AI and a focus on pre-testing code quality measures, the enterprise is well on its way to improving build quality and fostering a culture of excellence and collaboration. Engaging a consulting firm like Ready could further streamline this journey, ensuring that the enterprise is well-prepared to tackle the challenges in the ever-evolving software development landscape.
