A seasoned B2B company has ventured into the Direct-to-Consumer (B2C) market, aiming to broaden its reach and diversify its revenue streams. However, the transition unveils a technological bottleneck. The existing ERP system, tailored for wholesale operations, falls short in catering to the nuanced demands of B2C commerce. The company is keen on retaining its B2B operational framework while establishing a robust B2C channel. The shared inventory between these distinct operations further complicates the scenario, casting ripples across planning, ordering, inventory management, and customer fulfillment processes. The challenge now is to architect a solution that harmonizes the operational dichotomy, ensuring a seamless flow of information and processes across the B2B and B2C domains.

  • Strategic Advisory Engagement: Engage in a strategic advisory initiative to meticulously analyze the existing operational framework, identify the gaps, and explore potential solutions. This involves a deep dive into the current ERP capabilities, inventory management practices, and the distinct requirements of B2C operations. The advisory will also forecast the implications of various solutions on the overall operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

  • B2C-centric ERP Implementation: Implement a new ERP solution specifically tailored for B2C operations. This ERP will cater to the direct consumer sales, marketing, and service requirements while ensuring seamless integration with the existing B2B ERP for inventory synchronization. The integration could be established through API connections or middleware solutions, ensuring real-time or batch synchronization of critical data. In this scenario, one of the ERPs would become master, and the other would become slave, which could produce tensions in the business organization.

  • Transitional Dual-ERP Model: Adopt a transitional dual-ERP model where both B2B and B2C operations are managed through separate ERPs with integrated data flows. This model serves as a stepping stone toward a future consolidated ERP environment. It allows for the segregation of operations while maintaining a coherent view of inventory and other critical data.

  • Physical Warehouse Segmentation: Reorganize the physical warehouse to segregate B2B and B2C operations. This segregation facilitates dedicated inventory management, order processing, and fulfillment for each market segment, reducing the complexities arising from shared inventory. In this scenario, 3PL providers can also be viable options to more closely align the physical with the B2C distribution channels, whereas B2B would be in its traditional location.

  • Operational Process Re-engineering: Re-engineer the operational processes to align with the new technological framework. This includes revisiting the order-to-cash processes, inventory replenishment models, and customer service protocols to ensure they are optimized for the dual-ERP environment.


Venturing into the B2C market is a strategic move that opens up new horizons for the B2B company. However, the technological and operational integration of B2B and B2C channels is complex. By adopting a phased approach through strategic advisory, implementing a B2C-centric ERP, transitioning to a dual-ERP model, and re-engineering the operational processes, the company can navigate through this transition smoothly. The envisioned future is a consolidated ERP environment that seamlessly supports both B2B and B2C operations, driving operational efficiency and fostering growth in both market segments. Through meticulous planning, execution, and continuous optimization, the company is well on its path to establishing a robust B2C channel while retaining its stronghold in the B2B market.
